Miss Destin 2025
Saturday, April 5th
Miss Destin’s primary function is to represent the Destin Fishing Rodeo at the weigh-ins every day during the month of October.
Destin resident high-school girls (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors) vie for the title of Miss Destin, which among other things, provides at least a $2,000 academic scholarship.
This year’s pageant is going to be loads of fun and something you will not want to miss.
The pageant is not a beauty contest, the young lady who receives the title of Miss Destin is judged on her personality, maturity, communication skills and her availability to fulfill the duties of Miss Destin at the 76th Annual Destin Fishing Rodeo. She serves as a public figure throughout the year, representing Destin at many functions, including the annual Destin Fishing Rodeo.
Preceding the actual pageant, there are several fun-filled social events planned so that the contestants and their parents can meet with pageant officials and judges. Several events are planned prior to the pageant, including an afternoon Judges Tea on Sunday, March 30, 2025. Contestants will have individual interviews with the pageant judges as well as an opportunity to enjoy an afternoon with other contestants and their parents. The 2025 Miss Destin Pageant will be Saturday, April 5, 2025 once again hosted by Christian Garman, Television Personality and Professor, Department of Communication, University of West Florida.
We will notify you of exact times and locations of all events.
Application Deadline Friday, March 7, 2025 (3 pm)
- E-mail: fishing@destinfishingrodeo.org
- Call: 850.837.6734 to receive by mail
- Mail or drop off: Destin Community Center / Destin Fishing Rodeo Office
101 Stahlman Ave, Destin, FL 32541
Eligibility Requirements (You must qualify in all areas)
- *32541, 32540, or 32550 zip code
- *Live full-time within the boundaries of Destin Bridge, the south shore of Choctawhatchee Bay, the eastern boundaries of Sandestin and the Gulf of Mexico.
- *High School Student
- *Never been married
All contestants must be Sophomore, Junior or Senior high school students on the day of the contest, must reside within the 32541, 32540 or 32550 zip code, be single and never married, and must live within the boundaries of Destin Bridge, South shore of Choctawhatchee Bay, Eastern boundaries of Sandestin and the Gulf of Mexico. Application Deadline is Friday, March 7, 2025.
The 2025 Miss Destin Pageant will be a fun and enlightening event for you! Please fill out the application completely, attach a recent photograph and feel free to use additional paper to answer the questions. Scholarship recipients must attend an accredited U.S. college or university. The scholarship money will be mailed directly to the college to be credited to the student’s account. A check will be disbursed following the recipient’s senior year in high school. Recipients must be registered and accepted for the fall term of their freshman year the year immediately following graduation from High School.
Reagan Magee
Miss Destin 2024

Miss Destin

2023 Carrington Phillips

2022 Ella Kathryn Campbell

2021 Kaylie Sparks

2020 Lauren Adams

2019 Brooke O’Keefe

2018 Ellen Brown

2017 Rachel McMullen

2016 Sydney Curry

2015 Alyssa Bay Bettinger